Archaeologist The Ethnographic Museum Complex Gala

The Gala State Historical Ethnographic Reserve is a complex of museums in Baku, Azerbaijan. Inside there are three different types of museums: Museum of Archaeology and Ethnography], Castle Museum , and the Museum of Antiques. Vehicles are offered to visitors due to the spacious area of museums. There are the tours in different languages: Azerbaijani, Russian, English, German and French.

The Gala State Historical Ethnographic Reserve reserve was established in the year of 2008 under the auspices of the Heydar Aliyev Foundation. It is located in Qala, 40km far from Baku and bears the name of this district. Gala- State Historical Ethnographic Reserve is devoted to the history of the Absheron Peninsula. As a result of archaeological excavations, it is feasible to get the picture of the lifestyle of the Azerbaijani people from ancient times to the Middle Ages.

Archaeologist The Ethnographic Museum Complex Gala is Azerbaijan’s territory is rich with examples proving it to be the home to ancient inhabitants. Absheron Peninsula has special importance in terms of historical monuments. Absheron Peninsula, the ancient settlement, has the history dating before century. Barrows, fire traces and tombs found here during archaeological excavations prove this fact once again. One of the oldest settlements in Absheron is Qala village that is located in the northeast of the Peninsula. There are 215 architectural and archaeological monuments in Qala village and the surrounding regions. The environment which is dated back to 3rd millennium BC is preserved here. There are several architectural monuments – 5 mosques, 3 bathhouses, 4 water houses (ovdan), houses, agricultural buildings, sepulchers, tombs, barrows, remnants of castle, etc. – of historical importance in Qala which belong to the period between 3rd millennium BC and 20th century. Qala village with its history of five thousand years old had several districts. Of those, Tarakama, Balaverdi, Haji Ramazan, Chambarakand are preserved till today.